Leah Lewis - Senior Clinician

Leah Lewis is the Senior Clinician and Director at Chit Chat 4 Kids Speech Pathology. Leah is an experienced paediatric Speech Pathologist, graduating from La Trobe University in 1997. She has worked in a variety of settings throughout her career including education, early intervention, private practice and community health. Leah has experience in working with children with a wide range of disabilities including specific speech and language difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Downs Syndrome, developmental delays, as well as learning and literacy difficulties.

Leah is a member of Speech Pathology Australia and maintains her status as a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist by attending and participating in regular Professional Development activities.
Having three children of her own, Leah has a strong belief in family-centred practice and works closely with the parents and caregivers of children so that they can support their child to reach their full potential. Her goal is to empower parents and caregivers with knowledge and information so that they can help their child to achieve the best outcome possible.

During her career, Leah has completed further training in the following areas:
PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System

Picture Exchange Communication System: A form of augmentative and alternative communication. PECS aims to teach communication skills rapidly to those with limited functional speech.
SOS - The Sequential Oral Approach to Feeding

An approach to feeding that allows children to explore the properties of food in a playful and non-stressful way.
Hanen - It takes Two to Talk

Parent Program for parents with a young child with language delay.
Hanen - More than Words

Parent Program for parents with a young child with social communication difficulties or ASD.